Sunday, January 30, 2011

New Blog Site! New Logo!

My blog has been moved and completely updated!  This one will be up indefinitely, however all the posts have been transfered over the the new site, and all new posts will be on that site as well.  Come on over and check it out!

Link to New Blog

Website | Facebook Links


Sunday, January 2, 2011

A Happy New Year in Calgary Alberta

 2010 was a great year for me for many reasons, a big one being the official launch of my site and blog... a long time coming for me! Grateful doesn’t begin to describe how I feel about the opportunities that came my way in 2010. I had a huge learning curve this past year and I was able to work a lot more with Julie (Quantum Images Inc)... photo editing at her Estee Lauder photo events as well as learning the ropes for assisting her with weddings! I love to learn when and wherever I can with photography, and these opportunities were invaluable experiences for me. My expectations were exceeded with my own shoots as well, and I had such a great time meeting every new dog client and their people(s). My Ed came through for me and loyally toted around on most all of these shoots, and once again, I am so, so grateful!! I am looking forward to another fabulous year of photography!! Here's a few quick pics my sweet inspiration Boomer .

Happy 2011