Friday, September 24, 2010

Little Girls and Puppy Dogs

Marin’s first dog was a Basset Hound named Bentley. He passed away when she was only two, though from what her parents tell me, even at that young age, Marin would tell them that she missed Bentley... and she would ask her parents if she could go visit him :( So so sweet.

Two years have gone by since Bentley passed, and a new furry friend named Sandy has just recently made her way into Marin's life. I believe that Sandy is the dog that will be woven through Marin’s childhood memories. Hopefully, Sandy will still be here when little Marin learns how to drive years from now!! One thing is for certain, Sandy will be present in all those birthday and Christmas photos over the years... she will be part of family camping trips...she will wait for Marin to come home from school for the next 13 years.

Sandy will be a part of many great memories for Marin. I remember all my dogs, and I believe Marin will always remember Bentley and Sandy. I hope that Marin is blessed with a wonderful life and that she always has the true love of a dog beside her.

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